Work With Me
Every service I offer has been designed over the course of several years to serve a common purpose: Helping people to create the lively, centered, and creative experiences they want both at work and in their personal lives.
I've designed these services to deal with some of today's most common needs:
Recovering from workplace burnout--either individually or as an organization
Building a leadership culture that supports sustainable growth
Developing the relational skills that will reignite your life passions
In each case, I'm ready to meet you at your starting point, identify your desired destination with you, and show you the ways you can arrive there.
I've walked these paths and I am excited to guide you down them!

Using my 25 years of corporate leadership (and the lessons from my own burnout), I provide deep experience to help you develop a healthy and sustainable company workplace culture.
I have yet to find anyone else who brings the blend of corporate leadership experience, technical knowledge for assessing EQ, and (yes) improv comedy skills that I bring to accelerate this critical learning for leaders.
I help leaders get clear about what's in the way of their future vision, what's necessary to get them there, and the actions required to get moving.
Among all the skills that men have available to them, intimacy is perhaps the most overlooked. Its power to create tight bonds that strengthen networks, friendships, businesses, and personal relationships is unmatched.
I believe in this so much that I wrote an entire book about it.
01 - Burnout-Proofing Your Organization
The company you've worked so hard to build is struggling to hit its stride.
Your people are tapped. It's feeling tenuous.
Over a third of all workers globally are experiencing some degree of burnout. That is not strictly because of individuals' limitations. In fact, the situation is so drastic largely because organizations have struggled to keep up with the ever changing demands of modern life.
The good news: We can do something about it. ​I've seen from up close how burnout affects organizations. And I've done the research to create a 4-step process that leads organizations beyond burnout into a sustainable model where they can thrive once again.

Where You Are
Treading water.
Or maybe even taking some on.
The tricks and tools that got you this far aren't doing it now.
There's grumbling, a sense of uneasiness within the company.
A good night's sleep has been hard to come by.

What It Takes
A wise nudge.
Wisdom is gained by traveling through rough waters and coming out alive.
That experience teaches you how to navigate what's ahead.
And you might be surprised at how a humble tugboat can help even the biggest ships back to open water.

Where You'll Land
Smooth sailing.
To quote the Leon Bridges song by the same name, "Over the horizon, she's smooth sailin'."
You know what it looks like: Business is good.
Your people are happy.
The right clients find you.
Life? It's sweet.
02 - 1:1 Coaching
You've been going it alone and suffering in silence for too long.
It's taken a toll. Now it's time to change your approach.
We'll go through whatever's standing in your way -- ego, burnout, shame, bullsh*t beliefs that aren't serving you -- so you can get to where you really want to go. You can lean on the 1000+ hours I've spent coaching leaders, the hard won lessons I gained in 15+ years as a corporate leader, and the creativity I've gained by performing in hundreds of improv comedy shows over the past 7+ years.
I work with a select group of men who are ready to level up into the lives they truly want, and to do so in a way that brings others along with them.
Your "I want" list will include things like reclaiming joy for your work and rebuilding your dormant social life. It might also call for deepening lifelong bonds with kids or rekindling romance with your spouse. It will definitely be about opening your heart and mind to create a positive ripple effect on other people.

Where You Are
Your battery is completely dead at the end of the day.
You're short with people in ways that make you feel like a bit of a d*ck sometimes.
Tomorrow feels like another day of pushing the boulder up the hill.
You want all this to be different.

What It Takes
I'll create room for you to be honest in ways you haven't allowed yourself to be yet. We'll probably find a mix of faded hopes, bad habits that keep you stuck, shame that you haven't "figured it out"... Whatever it is, we'll move you through it.

Where You'll Land
Fired up.
You'll know where you want to go, what steps you need to take to get there, and how to build the skills to do it.
I'll be here to help you take the game-changing risks required to hit your personal bullseye.
03 - Developing Emotionally Intelligent Leaders
Your business is ready to grow. The problem is, you're still tangled up in the weeds.
The next stage of your growth is waiting on new, trusted leaders to emerge. ​
The #1 differentiator for great leaders is emotional intelligence. As much as 90% of what separates them from the average (or worse) leader can be attributed to EQ. So when are you going to invest in building up this critical skill for the people who will let you rise up out of the noise and start using your most valuable gifts?
I've been leading EQ development for years. In 2022 alone, I provided training on EQ to well over 300 leaders. But it's not necessarily what you think. See, these skills are not learned through a book or a PowerPoint presentation. The real learning comes from practicing EQ skills in low-stakes situations so you know what to do when the stakes get higher.
My approach blends science, action, and a bit of improv to really punch up the experience. You will walk away with new skills you can use right away ... and I guarantee you'll have a smile on your face, to boot.

Where You Are
Bogged down.
There's no way you have the time to move the business forward and solve so many problems. You've got leaders in place, but you can't find the time to show them the skills that help them take on more.
This means you keep getting pulled back into sales, operations, finance, etc. It feels like you're running in place, right?

What It Takes
A village.
I mean, it's a bit trite, but that's truly what's gonna get you over this hump. Getting your leadership team to its next level is how you'll get to yours.
I help you build the smart, cohesive, creative team that will reduce the friction in your business so it can take off.

Where You'll Land
The pieces are in place and aligned.
You've got focus on the vision of where things are headed.
Sales knows who to go after.
Ops knows what to deliver and how to do it.
Your admin functions pay the bills, bring in the cash, and hire the right people.
Why didn't we do this sooner?
04 - Men's Intimacy Groups
Work. Personal To-Do Lists. Sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.
There's got to be more than this, right?
What happened to those passions that used to stoke your fires? The adventures, the hobbies, the deeply connected experiences? Life has a way of telling us that there are more important things to do with our time. Things like work and paying mortgages. Some of them are great -- like raising kids -- and they're still a sh*t ton of work.
If you've gotten to a point where life feels really narrow, you're not getting jazzed up anymore, and you've run out of ways to think your way out of that funk, it might be time to do something radical. For a man, one of the most radical things we can do is pursue more intimacy in our lives.
That's right ... intimacy. I don't mean just the romantic kind, either. I mean the deep, powerful, fun, meaningful relationships we get to have across every area of our lives. Intimacy provides a crazy powerful set of skills that will make your friendships, parenting, work, sex life, and well, everything else, so much more rewarding.
And there's no better way to learn about these skills than in a group of other men, led by a guy who literally wrote the book on "expansive intimacy."

Where You Are
Or maybe worse -- lonely.
Isolated, even.
Unsure of how to break out of the doldrums.
Wanting more.

What It Takes
Sucking it up, toughing it out, going it alone, and suffering in silence are all considered to be manly.
But that's not all it is.
Yes, manliness is about being able to bear up, handle your business, and grit through stuff.
What's even more manly? Taking the risk of letting other people understand who you truly are inside.

Where You'll Land
With friends. (Again. Or maybe finally.)
With your coworkers, in a much healthier way.
With your kids -- even if they are teenagers.
With your partner, in ways that might've seemed gone for good.
With yourself.
No more stuffing down what's really going on and eating the resultant stress for dessert.
Let's get intimate.